With ongoing support from our corporate partners, Trees for Survival have been busily planning a huge 2026 season with the move to establish new school clusters in 3 regions in the South Island! Plans are well underway to work with local nurseries and providers in the Tasman district, South Canterbury and Southland to take the TfS programme to schools and communities in new areas. A dedicated South Island team leader will help coordinate and work with South Island providers and partners. It is anticipated that shade houses’ and native plant seedlings will be in place later this year, working towards a busy South Island planting season in 2026!
TrimmingSouth IslandTrimIrrigationShadehouseEco sourceSeed collection#water#riparianplantingTeachersFeedbackPropagationFarm visitNorthlandWhangareiMatarikiHabitatAugerFacilitatorsResourcesStatisticsNewsGerminationSeedImpactRevegetationGrowthEducationSeedlings#landowners#environmental impact#makingadifferenceDonationsEcologyNative wildlifeBirdLegacyRestoration20 yearsMilestonesLandownersPartnersCoromandel peninsulaPlanting dayPotting upTaranakiPlantingPlanting made easySchoolsPlantsShade houses