Pre summer checks…TfS facilitators are busily visiting each of their schools before the end of Term 4. These pre summer visits include checking that irrigation timer settings are correct to keep seedlings suitably watered over the summer holiday. To prevent plants becoming too tall and spindly and blocking water flow, TfS facilitators will also trim manuka, kanuka, karamu and sedges. It is preferable that plants are sturdy and strong when planted, so trimming will help promote lateral growth and prevent plants becoming top heavy and reducing water and light reaching other plants in the shade house. Plants will also be reorganised in the shade house if needed to ensure even growth. We expect to see lots of growth over summer
TrimmingSouth IslandTrimIrrigationShadehouseEco sourceSeed collection#water#riparianplantingTeachersFeedbackPropagationFarm visitNorthlandWhangareiMatarikiHabitatAugerFacilitatorsResourcesStatisticsNewsGerminationSeedImpactRevegetationGrowthEducationSeedlings#landowners#environmental impact#makingadifferenceDonationsEcologyNative wildlifeBirdLegacyRestoration20 yearsMilestonesLandownersPartnersCoromandel peninsulaPlanting dayPotting upTaranakiPlantingPlanting made easySchoolsPlantsShade houses