As a school based programme, having the enthusiasm of teachers to run and support the TfS programme in the school and make the most of the learning opportunities around growing, planting, ecology, biology and restoration is essential. Facilitators liaise with a lead teacher in each school who then coordinate the potting on and planting day activities. Success for the teachers includes the satisfaction of the health and number of the plants being grown, the pleasure of having their students outside being physically active in their environment or as one teacher writes: “LOVE IT!!! Our tamariki really enjoy potting on the seedlings in the spring and then planting them in the winter. Such a great program to help them learn/practice kaitiakitanga”
TrimmingSouth IslandTrimIrrigationShadehouseEco sourceSeed collection#water#riparianplantingTeachersFeedbackPropagationFarm visitNorthlandWhangareiMatarikiHabitatAugerFacilitatorsResourcesStatisticsNewsGerminationSeedImpactRevegetationGrowthEducationSeedlings#landowners#environmental impact#makingadifferenceDonationsEcologyNative wildlifeBirdLegacyRestoration20 yearsMilestonesLandownersPartnersCoromandel peninsulaPlanting dayPotting upTaranakiPlantingPlanting made easySchoolsPlantsShade houses