With 230 schools set to be growing and planting with TfS in 2025, we are busy preparing for the large amount of native plant seed that needs to be collected now before being germinated at Nga Rakau and Te Whangai nurseries. Plant seed differs hugely in size and weight with only 0.4 grams of seed needed to sow a tray of 200 Hebe compared to the 12 grams of seed need to sow a tray of Harakeke/Flax (below). As TfS schools grow and plant on a yearly cycle, in 2024 the nurseries have the task of germinating seed for approx. 231,000 native seedlings that we need ready to be distributed to schools in September for them to transplant and grow on for planting in 2025.
TrimIrrigationShadehouseEco sourceSeed collection#water#riparianplantingTeachersFeedbackPropagationFarm visitNorthlandWhangareiMatarikiHabitatAugerFacilitatorsResourcesStatisticsNewsGerminationSeedImpactRevegetationGrowthEducationSeedlings#landowners#environmental impact#makingadifferenceDonationsEcologyNative wildlifeBirdLegacyRestoration20 yearsMilestonesLandownersPartnersCoromandel peninsulaPlanting dayPotting upTaranakiPlantingPlanting made easySchoolsPlantsShade houses