Water has featured prominently in our news this year with some dramatic rain fall events around the country. Many Trees for Survival schools plant around riparian margins and overland flow paths where the native plants that the school has grown do an amazing job of shading and cooling water, filtering, slowing water flow, securing land and providing habitat and food for native wildlife. Trees for Survival partners support this fantastic initiative - helping support important riparian revegetation projects and encouraging our young people to be aware of the change they can be part of!
TrimIrrigationShadehouseEco sourceSeed collection#water#riparianplantingTeachersFeedbackPropagationFarm visitNorthlandWhangareiMatarikiHabitatAugerFacilitatorsResourcesStatisticsNewsGerminationSeedImpactRevegetationGrowthEducationSeedlings#landowners#environmental impact#makingadifferenceDonationsEcologyNative wildlifeBirdLegacyRestoration20 yearsMilestonesLandownersPartnersCoromandel peninsulaPlanting dayPotting upTaranakiPlantingPlanting made easySchoolsPlantsShade houses